According to a recent survey by Newsweek, the Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll, a majority of Americans believe that President Joe Biden and his policies are responsible for the high levels of inflation currently experienced.

The prices and policies of corporate America were the source of inflation for 17% of poll participants and 23% believe higher costs can be chalked up to the weak dollar.
According to a new poll, 61% of Americans believe that President Joe Biden is responsible for the current state of the economy. Former President Donald Trump came in second place with 17% of the vote, while the COVID-19 pandemic was only selected by 14% of voters.
This is a pretty damning indictment of Biden's presidency, and it shows that the American people are finally starting to realize just how bad things have gotten. If Biden wants to have any chance of winning in 2024, he'll need to come up with a plan to fix the economy – and fast.
The American people now believe that inflation is the most important issue facing the economy and the country, and they don't think that the Biden Administration is doing enough to address it. An additional study performed by Nationwide Retirement Institute on Oct. 25 revealed that nearly 20% of Americans had cut back on food or skipped meals in the last year because of rising inflation.
A CNBC/Change Research poll found that 60% of respondents disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.
Democrat’s like former White House press secretary Jenn Psaki, who recently told NBC that she thought Biden's job performance would hurt other Democrats in the election, may be concerned after these revelations.
In the lead up to the 2022 midterms, politicians are blaming inflation on their opponents.
Who Is to Blame for Inflation According to the Poll
It looks like things have finally caught up with ol' Joe. After months of claiming that he's not responsible for the inflation ravaging the nation, a new poll shows that the majority of Americans blame him for it.
The main causes of inflation are overly accommodative monetary and fiscal policies and supply shortages. America is facing its biggest inflationary spike in decades, and it seems that the average Joe is not happy about it.
So according to a new poll, it looks like the American people are finally starting to see things our way. Joe Biden is the root of all our problems – from inflation to the lack of affordable housing. It's time for him to step down and let someone else take the reins.
So what can be done to stop the runaway train that is inflation? It's going to take some tough decisions and America need need your help to make them. So don't forget to vote in Mid Term November 8th – and make sure to put President Joe Biden out of a job.
t's not clear whether Biden will be able to recover from this latest blow to his and fellow democrats campaigns, but one thing's for sure – Biden definitely not winning any popularity contests at the moment. With the election just around the corner, it'll be interesting to see how things play out.
02 Nov 2022