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Iranian Resistance NCRI walks away from the Biden Negotiating Team

It was twenty years ago this week that the National Council for Resistance for Iran revealed that Iran was developing a secret nuclear weapon program. Based on their ground intelligence gathering operations, the NCRI had warned the world since 1991 about Iran's nuclear ambitions.

A hard proof of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility wasn't found until 2002. A nuclear regulation agency, the IAEA, requested access and started an investigation after NCRI's discovery.

In the aftermath of the Vienna nuclear talks, NCRI hosted a panel discussion Wednesday from the Willard Hotel at a time when the Biden Administration has absolutely lost all advantage in negotiations with Iran.

Assuring economic and sanctions relief has been the subject of reservations this week by Iranian negotiators.

There is reason to believe that the deal will extend well beyond Monday's deadline. NCRI panelists agreed Wednesday that this was a deliberate strategy.

John Bolton said, It was clear from the beginning that the Biden Administration and its current negotiating team were at a disadvantage. In order to discuss the terms of the latest Iran nuclear deal, Iran refuses to sit down with US officials and insists on using European middlemen. According to Bolton, Biden's team's agreement to Iran's bullying terms of negotiation is itself devastating information: that America is not willing or able to stand up to Iran. OAN Reports

Currently, Iranian officials are making broad demands to the US during the Iran Talks in Vienna. As part of the deal, sanctions will be lifted on terrorist groups, and penalties will be imposed in the event that a future administration walks away from the deal as Trump Administration did.

18 Aug 2022


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