A rigorous count by Towson State University finds that he has held fewer press conferences than any of the five presidents before him.
Mr. Biden presided over nine press conferences in those initial months in office, compared to former Presidents Donald Trump, who hosted 22 during his first year, Barack Obama 27 press conferences, George W. Bush 19, Bill Clinton 38, and George H.W. Bush 31.
A comprehensive review of the findings conducted by the Associated Press noted that "the dynamic has the White House facing questions about whether Biden is falling short regarding transparency and opportunities to explain his agenda as president," noted the review.
During the 2020 election campaign, Nate Ashworth, founder of Election Central, observed "How long did Biden think he could go on avoiding the media and taking few interviews for so long? It has been determined that Biden can survive much longer than expected, in part due to a willing media, which wants him to succeed no matter how badly he is performing. They're willing to wink and nod the fact that the man is not all there, and contradicts himself day to day on various issues."
The research was conducted by Martha Joynt Kumar, a professor emerita in political science at Towson University and director of the White House Transition Project — founded in 1997 to provide “non-partisan expertise in all phases of democratic transitions,” according to a mission statement.
According to the White House Transition Project's statement of purpose, the research was done by Martha Joynt Kumar, a professor emerita of political science at Towson University and director of the White House Transition Project, which was founded in 1997 to provide "non-partisan expertise in all phases of democratic transitions."
24 Jan 2022