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Louisiana leads a 10-state lawsuit against the Biden Administration climate system


Ten states are suing President Joe Biden over his executive order directing all federal agencies to start work in what he described as the "climate crisis".

The Democrat unveiled a new phase of his climate agenda Thursday, pledging that the United States will cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry warned that Biden's order could destroy a variety of industries if left unchallenged, as he leads a multi-state lawsuit in federal court in his state.

“Joe Biden’s executive order should alarm every American. If left unchecked, the President could use this destructive cost structure to justify almost anything,” he said in a statement. “Louisiana produces crucial natural and manmade resources for our nation and enjoys a rich, storied way of life. From timber and food stocks to oil and natural gas, chemical and industrial products to recreational sportsmanship and outdoor activities—nearly every aspect of our economy and culture is at risk under this unconscionable policy.”

Prosecutors from Alabama, Florida, George, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming joined the suit, along with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. All of them are Republicans.

April 23, 2021

James Harvey

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