Vice President Kamala Harris addressed a group of gun control activists at the annual Gun Sense University event sponsored by Everytown for Gun Safety, expressing her encouragement for the advancements made by the Biden administration in implementing its gun control agenda. The event took place in Chicago on August 12th.

During her speech, Harris emphasized the importance of "common sense gun safety laws" and asserted that such measures are not only sound policy but also have substantial public support. She noted that the issue of gun safety goes beyond policy and is also a matter of political significance.
However, gun rights activists are interpreting Harris's optimism from a different perspective. While they acknowledge the minority role that congressional Republicans played in favor of President Joe Biden's Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) in June 2022, they contend that it was this dynamic that allowed the legislation to gain momentum.
These advocates argue that this momentum eventually led to a significant development on March 14, 2023, in the form of an executive order. The order enlisted various federal agencies to explore ways of implementing certain aspects of the BSCA without requiring congressional oversight or approval. One of the changes being speculated upon by Second Amendment advocates is the potential elimination of legal private gun sales.
The differing viewpoints on the gun control agenda highlight the complex and contentious nature of the issue. While Vice President Harris's perspective underscores the administration's commitment to gun safety measures, opponents emphasize the potential implications for individual rights and the role of executive authority in shaping policy outcomes. As discussions and debates continue, the future of gun control in the United States remains a subject of ongoing scrutiny and deliberation.