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Top Republican supports the removal of Liz Cheney due to the anti-Trump comments

Writer's picture: Capitol TimesCapitol Times

Republican Representative number 2 in the House of Representatives is calling for the replacement of Representative Liz Cheney in the House GOP leadership team over her continued negative remarks about former President Donald Trump.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (from California) said Tuesday that Republicans have concerns about Cheney's ability "to act as conference chairperson, to carry out the message."

Many Republican lawmakers felt Cheney was undermining the party by voting earlier this year to impeach Trump. Since then, she has continued to exchange criticism with the former president, even going so far as to say that Trump should not run for president again in 2024.

Trump remains the most popular Republican, according to surveys, and retains strong support among the House GOP.

May 5, 2021

Mary Hill

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