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Roll out "dog collars" at a high decibel distance to factory workers

A Swedish manufacturer in France has been accused of treating its employees like dogs after the company required its workers to use a social spacing device that emits loud decibel beeps if employees are too close to each other.

The French Democratic Federation of Labor (CFDT), the largest union representing workers at Essity, a global Swedish health and hygiene company, compared the device to a dog collar, saying it is "a system similar to that which prevents barking dogs".

The CFDT said, according to French newspaper Le Monde, that the necklaces emit 85 decibels once “social distancing is no longer respected”.

"The idea is to discipline employees and invite them into the system," said CFDT representative Christine Doggett, adding that implementing the system was "an attack on individual freedoms."

Since the start of the pandemic, we have meticulously respected staying away and using masks. We wear it all day, we're responsible people! Intercepted.


17 Jan 2020

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