Headlines like "Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025," it's natural to feel alarmed and concerned about the potential implications. However, upon closer examination, it seems that the New York Times may have put a spin on the story that doesn't quite capture the whole truth.

The plan, as described, appears to be aimed at reducing the power of executive agencies and granting more oversight to the elected executive. This change could be seen as a step towards restoring the original Constitutional structure, where the president holds greater authority over the government machinery.
At present, the situation is quite baffling. The so-called "executive agencies" operate with considerable independence from the president, as he lacks the authority to hire or fire from within their ranks. This system, which has evolved over time, doesn't align with the principles of the Constitution.
Imagine being elected as president only to discover that millions of department employees do not answer to you or your appointees. It's a frustrating situation, leaving the president with limited control over the bureaucracy, and in some cases, the permanent employees can wield more influence than the appointed heads.
Donald Trump experienced this firsthand during his time in office, facing resistance and pushback from career bureaucrats at every turn. He found himself unable to replace them due to court precedents and union rules, making him question the true power of the presidency.
The Trump plan to reform the Deep State, which developed over time and gained momentum during 2020, is the real reason behind the media and establishment's hatred and fear of him. They believe there exists an insider club, comprising the media, career bureaucrats, and industrial interests, which seeks to protect its own interests rather than serving the American people.
Donald Trump's plan presents a unique and viable strategy to reduce government interference in people's lives, unlike any other previous attempts, even by Ronald Reagan. The bureaucratic labyrinth has grown so uncontrollable that it thwarts the efforts of both Republicans and Democrats to bring about meaningful change.
The president's primary role is to be the chief executive of the federal government, but under the current system, this task becomes nearly impossible. Civil servants often resist, undermine, and ignore the administration's directives, regardless of their political vision. This "fourth branch" of government seems to have amassed an overwhelming amount of power and influence.
Surprisingly, there seems to be relatively little public discourse on this matter. Elected representatives may shy away from admitting that they lack real control, while the Deep State bureaucrats generally avoid public engagement. however, have been more aware of this issue for some time.
In conclusion, the proposed plan to increase presidential power might be better understood as an effort to rebalance the structure of government, rather than a power grab. The current bureaucratic maze appears to hinder the president's ability to govern effectively, and addressing this issue could be an essential step towards a more accountable and transparent government. However, as with any complex matter, further analysis and discussion are necessary to fully grasp its potential implications for the American people.