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Will McCarthy Lead the New Congress? An in-Depth Look

03 Jan 2023

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

The new Congress will convene. And while there's still a lot of speculation over who will lead the House of Representatives, one name keeps popping up: Will McCarthy.

McCarthy, who is currently the minority leader of the House, is seen as the frontrunner for the speaker's job. But he's not the only one in the running. There are a few other contenders.

So who is Will McCarthy? And what do we know about him? In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at McCarthy and his bid for speaker of the House.

Who Is Kevin McCarthy?

Kevin McCarthy is a Republican Congressman from California who is in line to be the next speaker of the House of Representatives. He was elected to Congress in 2006 and has been a rising star in the party ever since.

McCarthy is a strong supporter of Donald Trump and was one of his earliest backers during the presidential campaign. He is also a strong advocate for smaller government and reducing regulations.

McCarthy's critics say that he is too close to Trump and that he is not experienced enough to be speaker. But he has the support of the majority of Republicans in the House, and it looks like he will be elected speaker when the new Congress convenes in January.

What Is the Current Makeup of Congress?

With the swearing-in of the 117th Congress this week, all eyes are on who will be taking the helm as speaker of the House. The current frontrunner is current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, but there is still plenty of competition from other members of the GOP.

To get a better understanding of the dynamics at play, let's take a closer look at the makeup of Congress. The House of Representatives has 435 members, with 222 Republicans and 213 Democrats.

So what are the chances that McCarthy will be elected speaker? It's still too early to tell, but he does have a considerable lead over his opponents. He also has the support of President Trump, which could be a decisive factor in the race.

What's at Stake in the Upcoming Election?

The race to become the next Speaker of the House is heating up, and it's anyone's guess as to who will come out on top.

The new Congress is set to convene on January 3, but there's still a lot of uncertainty about who will be leading it. The current frontrunner is Kevin McCarthy, but he faces stiff competition from Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise.

So what's at stake in this race? Well, for one thing, the future of the Mueller investigation is in question. If McCarthy becomes speaker, he may be more likely to try and impeach the president Biden. But even if Jordan or Scalise win, they could still face resistance from within their own party.

How Much Support Does McCarthy Have in Congress?

As the new Congress convenes, the attention turns to Kevin McCarthy and Ask if he will be able to lead. To gain 218 votes to be a speaker, McCarthy faces opposition from the Freedom Caucus and needs support from 5 Republican lawmakers to initiate a vote to oust Speaker Pelosi. He is currently backed by 222 Republican seats in the House.

The success of McCarthy in becoming House Speaker is not guaranteed and he will continue to face opposition from those within his own party, as well as from Democrats. McConnell has already secured his position as leader of a 49-seat Senate minority, meaning that McCarthy's position is far from secure. He will have to make some compromises if he wants any chance of succeeding in his bid for House Speaker.

How Will the House Be Influenced by the Outcome of the Election?

As the new Congress convenes, much of its future focus will depend on the outcome of the election. Specifically, one major question remains: Who will be elected House Speaker? It's widely assumed that current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will be the frontrunner. How he leads the House, if elected, could potentially shape their decisions on a variety of topics, from healthcare and immigration to budget and education.

McCarthy is known for his conservative views, meaning he may focus on reducing government spending and expanding access to tax cuts. He has also expressed support for an increase in border security, suggesting that a stricter approach to immigration might be put in place. These policies could play a significant role in how the new Congress moves forward.

House of Representatives votes on new speaker as Republicans assume majority. Voting start at 9:00 am EST Today. You can watch live on our Facebook live stream CTM News


It is still unclear as to whether or not McCarthy will be elected as House speaker, as some within the Republican Party are still not convinced that he is the right candidate for the job. However, if he is elected, it is likely that he will pursue a conservative agenda, which could include measures such as repealing the Affordable Care Act and cutting taxes.

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