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Biden is running on the platform of “America Last”

On Monday, Representative James Comer (R) responded when President Joe Biden reversed many of former President Donald Trump's policies during his first week in the office and more will likely come.

James Comer told FNC’s “Fox & Friends First” that it appeared Biden is running on the platform of “America Last” after Trump emphasized, “America First” in his four years in office.

“The president can talk about unity, but right off the bat, he goes and by executive order, gets rid of the Keystone Pipeline project, he rejoins the Paris Climate Accord, he tries to double the minimum wage,” Comer noted.

“It just looks to me like it’s an American last policy,” he added. “An American first policy, which is what I believe a majority of Americans in both parties want, it would focus on getting people back to work, it would focus on getting kids back in school, it would focus on vaccine distribution. These are issues that unify Americans. If the president was sincere in his speech, he would try to focus on issues that unify, not divide. And to begin with, the very first bill that he sent to Congress — it’s a bill to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants here in the United States. There’s not a more divisive issue in Congress than amnesty.”

CTM News

25 Jan 2021

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