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Biden Denies Instructing DOJ to Prosecute Trump - Political Firestorm Ignites

President Joe Biden addressed concerns on Thursday regarding his alleged involvement in pressuring the Department of Justice (DOJ) to pursue charges against former President Donald Trump. This statement comes as reports circulate about a special prosecutor's decision to indict Trump. Biden firmly stated that he has never influenced the DOJ's actions and emphasized his commitment to honesty.

Donald Trump - Photo by Gage Skid More | Joe Biden - Photo by By Adam Schultz

In a press conference held in the evening, former President Trump revealed that he had received a summons to appear at a Miami courthouse on June 13. He asserted that Special Counsel Jack Smith plans to indict him following an investigation into potential mishandling of classified documents. Trump adamantly maintained his innocence, characterizing the case against him as "election interference."

Earlier in the day, President Biden fielded questions from journalists while standing alongside British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. When asked about the public's trust in the DOJ amidst the ongoing Trump probe, Biden reassured reporters of his hands-off approach. He affirmed, "You'll notice I have never once, not one single time, suggested to the Justice Department what they should do or not do, relative to bringing a charge or not bringing a charge. I'm honest."

Despite these developments, the DOJ has not yet disclosed the specific charges brought against the former president. However, Trump's legal representatives confirmed late on Thursday that he is facing seven counts related to the Espionage Act.

The allegations surrounding Trump and the subsequent legal actions have sparked intense public interest, with many scrutinizing the potential political implications of the case. As the situation unfolds, both supporters and critics of the former president eagerly await further details regarding the charges and the course of the legal proceedings.

It remains crucial to note that the information presented here is based on the available information as of now, and additional developments may alter the narrative surrounding this case.

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